Ready to WineGame?

Just in time for the holiday season, a three-part primer from WG CEO Rob Wilder with tips on how to play with your wine.

First, get ready.

Wine Selection/theme: Rob’s preference is Classic Wines of the World of all colors, but there are many themes within this broad approach. Consider Old World v New World, seasonal wines, great value wines, holiday wines, summer wines, small producers, women winemakers, — the list goes on. Remember: a great theme is not necessarily typical — try celebrity winemakers, or bubbles from around the world. Check out our blog for more ideas.

If you are not comfortable picking wines, pick a great wine shop instead. A good retailer loves to pick their favorite classic wines from a variety of countries for a blind tasting. They can also share a few stories that make the wines more interesting.

Number of Wines/How much to buy: Four is the minimum for a good tasting, and more than six is a commitment. For two ounce pours plus a little extra for retasting, Rob plans a bottle for every ten guests, 12 max.

Resource for Edutainment: Yep, that’s our new noun: WineGame is both educating and entertaining, so why not designate an emcee to lead the tasting? They can spout fun facts about each wine, region and/or producer. No somm in the crowd? Don’t worry; any humorous wine lover will do!